Friday, August 23, 2013

Color Theory for the Visual Arts ART X403

 Price questions:
1. Anna Blossom has wheels.
2. Anna Blossom is red.
3. what colour are the wheels?
Blue is the colour of thy yellow hair.
Red is the whirl of thy green wheels.
Thou simple maiden in everyday-dress,
Thou dear green animal,
I love thine! -
(Kurt Schwitters, Anna Blossom has Wheels, 1942)

Wassily Kandinsky Farbstudien, Quadrate mit konzentrischen Ringen, 1913 Watercolor Gouache Paper

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Color Theory for the Visual Arts ART X403

Course Description

Strengthen your use of color by understanding how colors interact. This foundation course for basic painting includes lectures and projects on perception and color intensity, the value scale and simultaneous contrast, the effects and physics of color, and theories on color psychology.

Applies Toward the Following Certificate(s) and Program(s)


ART X403 - 001 Color Theory for the Visual Arts
2013-2014 - Fall 2013
Francesca Pastine
Tue 6:30PM - 9:30PM
17 Sep 2013 to 3 Dec 2013
UC Berkeley Extension Art and Design Center
Classroom 213
San Francisco
  • Classroom
  • 12
  • 36.0
  • 2 semester units
  • For credit (2 units) $455.00

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Boutet's 7-color and 12-color color circles from 1708

The diagram from Sir Isaac Newton’s crucial experiment, 1666-72. A ray of light is divided into its constituent colors by the first prism (left), and the resulting bundle of colored rays is reconstituted into white light by the second. 

File:Newton's colour circle.png

 Color circles have been used to describe associations of colors from medieval times, but the first known example of the representation of hue in the form of a wheel, or circle, commonly suggested as the original color wheel, is traced to Sir Isaac Newton; whose keen mind was for some time focused on the nature of light and color.

 Aron Sigfrid Forsius was a Finnish astronomer, priest and NeoPlatonist. In a previously undiscovered text, he set out a system of color that included his diagrams. One diagram presents a colour sphere that arranges colors by opposing pairs: red and blue, yellow and green, and white and black. His diagrams date from 1611 but lay undiscovered in the Royal Library in Stockholm until until the 20th century; they were unearthed and presented before the first congress of the International Color Association in 1969.

Richard Waller
 Noting the lack of a standard for colors in natural philosophy, and inspired by a similar table published in Stockholm, Richard Waller indicated that his "Table of Physiological Colors Both Mixt and Simple," (created in 1686) would permit unambiguous descriptions of the colors of natural bodies. To describe a plant, for example, one could compare it to the chart and use the names found there to identify the colors of the bark, wood, leaves, etc. Similar applications of the information collected in the chart might also extend to the arts and trades, he suggested.

Munsell’s color sphere, 1900.

Albert H. Munsell's color system represented as a three-dimensional solid showing all three color making attributes: lightness, saturation and hue

 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Goethe's color wheel from his 1810 Theory of Colours
Goethe’s observations with a prism showed him that light did not split into seven continuous rainbow hues but that the beam had a red edge, turning to yellow, which became white in the middle until it passed into green shades that darkened to blue along its other edge. He did two experiments to prove his theory that color resulted from the interplay of light and darkness - a light beam in a dark room and a dark beam (shadow) in a room filled with light. He observed that when the beam was white and the room was dark, the top edge of the beam was red shaded to yellow (red along the edge, moving to yellow inside the white beam) and the bottom edge was violet shaded to blue (violet at the edge, moving to blue inside the beam). Where the beam was narrow enough to allow the red-yellow and violet-blue edges to overlap, he observed green in the overlap. Where the beam was shadow and the room was light (dark spectrum), he observed that blue shaded to violet at the top edge of the beam, and yellow shaded to red along the bottom edge. Where they overlapped, magenta was the result. In both cases, he found that the yellow and blue remain close to the sides which are light and the red and violet remain close to the edges that are dark.

The Natural System of Colors by English entomologist and engraver Moses Harris, attempted to understand the relationship between colors and how they might be coded. In his book, Harris wanted to demonstrate that a multitude of colors could be created from three basic ones, red, yellow and blue. He was building on the work of Jakob Christof Le Blon, a German-born painter and engraver, who was the first to use metal plates (one for each individual color) in the making of prints with continuous gradations of color. Le Blon’s three main, or primary, colors were red, blue and yellow, with black used for outlining shapes. His color theory formed the basis for modern color printing, however he did not use a fully organized color system. Harris built on Le Blon’s work to create his first printed color circle in 1766.  He made a distinction between his primary – “prismatic or primitive” (by which he meant unmixed red [cinnabar], yellow [King's yellow, an artificial orpiment] and blue [ultramarine] pigments) - colors and compound colors, creating color circles for both (primary to the right, compound to the left). Harris mixes his colors so that one of the two color is predominant, giving rise to distinct colors like orange-red and red-orange. He further divided wheel into 20 saturation levels for each color, rendering a wheel with 360 colors on it. Green, orange and violet are the main colours on the compound circle, mixing to form tertiary colors of olive, brown and slate. Through his mixing formula, he presents 15 additional shades and again divides the wheel into 20 levels of saturation. In total, his wheels showed 660 colors. However, Harris’ most important contribution was to visually demonstrate subtractive color by showing that black is formed when
His classification theory was widely accepted by artists by the mid 19th Century.
In the early 20th Century, the German painter, teacher and art theoretician Johannes Itten, expanded Harris’ theories and that of Phillip Otto Runge.
Runge had attempted a three-dimensional model of color using a sphere.
The pure hues were the equator; the central axis was a grey scale from black at the bottom to white at the top.
The colors were graded from black to the pure hue to white in seven steps. Theoretically, the intermediate mixtures were inside the sphere.

 Michel Eugène Chevreul was a trained chemist who became involved with the process of dyeing when he was appointed as the director of carpet manufacturer, Gobelin. He noted that the colours of the dyes often did not have the effect desired and that this was due to optics and not chemistry. In 1839 he produced his seminal work, De la loi du contrast simultanĂ© des couleurs, to provide provide a systematic way to see colours, where he dealt with the “simultaneous contrast” of colours. His work underlined the active role the brain has in the perception of colour. He showed that a colour will give the colour next to it a complementary tint, so that yellow next to green will receive a violet tint. This is where he stated that:
Two adjacent colors, when seen by the eye, will appear as dissimilar as possible.
Chevreul developed a 72-segment colour wheel where there are 12 main colours in each segment, further dividing into 6 zones. Each colour is divided into 20 sections to indicate the levels of brightness. He designed a 3-dimensional colour circle (right) that showed the 20 levels of brightness on the flat plane – in the drawing you can see the orange moving toward white. However, rising from the center is a line representing black and it forms an axis with the colour that is broken into 10 segments showing the colour becoming darker. The numbering system indicates that 0N (N for “nero” or black) is the pure colour and it moves toward black in increasing increments of “N” until 9N is almost black (9 parts black with 1 part colour) and 10N would be black.

Otto Runge
The painter Philipp Otto Runge was the next German to corner the market on color wheels and their related manifestations. His 1807 model took Mayer’s notion of three “pure” colors, plus black-and-white, and spread these ideas over and inside a 3-D color sphere (complete with cross-sectioning).

Modern 12-step color wheel developed by Johannes Itten (11 November 1888 – 25 March 1967), a Swiss expressionist painter, designer, teacher, writer and theorist associated with the Bauhaus (Staatliche Bauhaus) school. Together with German-American painter Lyonel Feininger and German sculptor Gerhard Marcks, under the direction of German architect Walter Gropius, Itten was part of the core of the Weimar Bauhaus.